Thursday, October 22, 2009

Art Whatever No. 9

Haven't posted one of these in forever and haven't really posted anything at all since July so I will attempt to post some of my new pieces up soon. Bluff Park was cool. If you have never been to the Bluff Park Art Show, then I highly recommend you go. It was my first time and I was so excited to see part of the Hoover that once was. Old time Hoover. The spirit that the Hoover kids who were there volunteering was cool. Coming up next will be some shows around town such as Art in Avondale Park and Moss Rock. I'll try to go to those. Also coming up is Portfolio Day. I'm trying to go to the one in Nashville on November 1st. Really need to get my portfolio together...Also looking at art colleges and right now on my list is Watkins College of Art, Montserrat, and MICA. Will be posting my new pieces today or tomorrow.